iPhone 5s & iOS 7
I cannot tell you how great a device this new iPhone is. It really does blow all its predecessors away, Apple or not. The Touch ID aspects alone are great if you are interested in that type of thing. Sure it's a gimmicky sounding feature until you use it!
A portion of my home screen.
I cannot tell you how awesome it is to unlock a device so effortlessly. And, yes, the guys at the office all had their rounds trying to bypass it.
Just as last year while folks were lined up at the Apple Store, I walked right in to my local VzW store and picked up exactly the model I wanted. (Sorry, but not the Gold!)
iPhone 5 & 5s boxes (Artsy angle)
So you can imagine my mom's voice when I told her she could have the old 5. She is so excited and nervous to use it. I told her if she found the Galaxy S3 usable, this would be a breeze. I hope I'm right. One thing is certain, I won't have to listen to the moaning and groaning about iOS 7. She never knew iOS 6!
I hope you are getting the most out of your iOS device, no matter the version of OS contained within its sweet exterior cover.